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Showing posts from September, 2016

Linux command to install software for various Distro

Ubuntu (*buntu, Mint linux) Apt-get install apt-get update apt-get remove apt-get dist-upgrade apt-get purge Fedora/RHEL/CentOS yum install yum update yum remove Opensuse yast2 --install yast2 --remove zypper update Freebsd  pkg_add pkg_delete Gentoo emerge package # Install emerge -C package # Remove a package emerge -s keyword # Search for packages (package names only) emerge -u package # update the package Arch pacman -U package.pkg.tar.xz # Local package install pacman -Syy # Refresh package databases pacman -Syu # Update installed packages pacman -S package # Install package pacman -R package # Remove package

Checkpoint Rule Processing Order

Rule Processing Order The rule base is processed in order. However, other things happen in the security policy besides checking your defined rules. This is the order of operations: Anti-spoofing checks Rule base Network Address Translation When you take into account the FireWall-1 global properties, you end up with the following order: Anti-spoofing checks "First" Implicit Rules Explicit Rules (except for the final rule) "Before Last" Implicit Rules Last Explicit Rule (should be cleanup rule) "Last" Implicit Rules Network Address Translation